Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Year

Hello, 2011! You're just passing me by. I mean, January 1.

So at the moment, I am feeling pretty irritated with some people. There's this man who is just plain annoying whenever he gets annoyed for some freakkkin shallow reasons. And there's this guy who acts immaturely at times he gets into my nerves. I don't know. Ever since I feel like people my age, especially people over my age, should be well acquainted with the world and its unpleasant surprises, I expect a little bit more about them tolerating unfortunate and frustrating circumstances. Am I expecting too much from people? No. Yes, maybe. But it's because I know that they're capable of doing so. They can act completely normal and more appropriate for their ages, if only they understand more of life.

Sigh. Enough of this.

I will start blogging again. I will do Project 365, and all other extra stuffs whenever I feel like it. I am determined to complete it! :)

With this, I can say I'm starting all over again. :)

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