Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Friends Are Amazing!

Every once in a while, you feel down and sad and like the whole world's crashing on you. On some days, you don't feel like talking to anyone -- not even your best friend. But most of your down days, especially when it involves family matters or boy issues, your friends are your escape. That's how I am.

I am happy that I have amazing friends. Not that I just realized it, ofcourse I knew from the start that my friends are the coolest people you could ever have around, but like there are times that when you feel so low they lighten up everything with their words, their presence, every little thing that shows they care. Whenever you feel less confident, they boost you up and makes you feel that you can conquer the world. It fills my heart with joy and pride that my friends are real and true. :)

4 pm today I went to the library. When I came back, I received this text message from my friend who's in Philippines. Isn't it so sweet? :) I love receiving this kind of unexpected text messages from people, and it really makes my day! It makes me happy to think that my friends miss me and that they actually thought about me even for just a second with their busy days. I feel valued and loved. :)

My friends are the loveliest people. Couldn't ask for anyone better! :)

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