Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 4/365 -- Park Benches

My brother and I went to the park this morning, just across the alley. How wonderful is that? :) Well, if only that park is more like a "park", I would probably go there everyday. I don't know. It's just too plain and quite small.

But yea, once in a while, going out, walking around, feeling the heat of the sun on a winter morning feels real good. And I brought my iPod, too. Music brings a little more awesomeness into something. :)

Park bench. There's something about a park bench. It is pretty amazing. When it's empty on a cold winter day, it seems sad. When a person sits, looking around, it may mean that s/he is waiting for someone -- patience and hope. When two people are talking happily, it means bliss -- obvious. When two strangers share a bench, it may mean that in those spaces between them, something may emerge -- a friendship, maybe. Or even something deeper than that. (you know, just like in the movies! hahaha :P)

I just think that every little thing represents something. Just like every other people have their own stories to tell. What's your story? :)

Me? On that bench? Looks like I'm waiting. And probably, hoping. :)

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