Monday, January 24, 2011


Oh well. I can't get over how sparkly my night was yesterday. I mean, at least the church part. :)

I went to hear mass last night. It was kind of unusual for the church to feel a little bit mellow. The people weren't clapping that much, or not as enthusiastic as the usual. Then I noticed that the band didn't have a drummer. I came to realize that a band is not as lively when it doesn't have drums. And I thought, "he's not here."

So the mass went on, and all of a sudden, someone came rushing through the side door towards the band. It was him! He was late. The moment he played the drums, everything became more interesting. Everything sounded better, felt better.

I can only see him whenever I stood up, because he's the drummer he had to sit. As I tried to look at him, the first time for that night, I caught him looking at me. He turned away fast, and I was trying not to smile like a fool. Butterflies, blame them. :P It's been that way for, I don't know. Maybe several months now? But last night was a little bit more than catching him looking at me. I felt like there was a connection. Like we were talking through our eyes. Ridiculous, but oh well. That's what I felt. I wonder if he felt the same. Maybe he wants to know my name? Because I sure do wanna know his.

That whole 45 minutes was spent that way. I tried not to look at him on purpose. haha. I'm quite distracted, yes. But mind you, I'm still aware that I'm in church and I was there to praise and thank God. But that's also my only way of seeing him once a week. Not bad. What's bad is I don't know who he is, even his name. And I don't know how can I make it possible. To even talk to him. I'm just a girl. Well, I'm technically a young adult, but whatever. Where I grew up taught me to wait for the guy to make the first move. But I am not there anymore. So maybe this time, if I want it, I should be the way for my own. But how? I'm not ready, I think. I haven't been in this situation. Everyone's afraid of rejection, and that includes me.

Waiting until it's sunday again. :)

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