Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Lonely, Again.

I don't know why everything seems to upset me, disappoint me, annoy me, irritate me. Everything that could make me the saddest person on the planet right now. I don't know. Looks like the only better place to be is in my room, lights all off, and me asleep. How I wish my bed could just eat me up so even for once after 1 and a half years of being here and putting up with everyone's sh*t and drama and immaturity, I could experience peace of mind. This is horrible, you know. And being the better human being in this house full of unbelievable people, I try to be normal and understand everyone. But jees, wouldn't anybody care about how it affects me? Wouldn't anybody ask how I am, or how am I feeling every time there's friction in this house?

I just wanna have a normal life, again. I wanna live carefree -- without thinking about what other people would think, or say about whatever I wanna do. It's been very uncomfortable here ever since. And it is very unhealthy living life with a lot of restrictions.

I just want to be happy, again. Because God, I am so lonely. :(

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