Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7/365 -- KitKat

Yes, I am a chocoholic. Guilty about that. :)

I bought this yesterday. I am not really a fan of KitKat, because I always had the small ones. You know, the 2-piece ones? And they don't really taste that good to me. Not until my co-worker shared with me a piece from a large one, which was the dark chocolate version, and I was like, "Oh my gahd it tastes sooo good!". I don't know if I was just starving at that time, which I think I wasn't. But yea, it was really good. I mean the dark chocolate version, and I also mean the large version of KitKat. :)

So yea, I bought this yesterday. I was surprised to see a King Size version. It was 2 large KitKats in one package. It was soooooooo good! :) I still have 2 pieces. I am really enjoying it. It wasn't dark chocolate, though, but still. :)

I will get the dark one next time. :)

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