Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1/365

This would be my Day 1 Photo. Lame, I know. :p Idk. I'm not really in the mood to go out today. I mean, my mom and brother went out early this morning to just walk around and feel the sun. Me? I stayed home, even feeling a little grumpy because my mom insisted me to join. I took a bath and decided that I would take some pictures of myself. I call it Pictorial. hahaha :)

Well, I haven't done it in a while so, yea. I observed that I look a little paler. That's me without anything on my face. I mean, I don't wear makeup everyday, unless needed like at work, etc. But whenever I go out I always put eyeliner on because it makes my eyes a bit more alive. So yea, I feel like I got a little paler. And that maybe because I just recovered from a flu. Yea, that's it.

So, I hope I can do and finish this Project 365 together with my Mare. :) This will be fun, I bet.

Best of 2011 to everyone! :)

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