Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23/365 -- Homemade Pizza

I made this this morning because what I had for breakfast wasn't enough, which was oatmeal. This was a very simple one. Wheat tortilla, tomato paste, tomatoes, smoked ham and shredded cheese -- PIZZA PIZZA. :P

This was actually a simple recipe for my brother because we find it very hard to convince him  to eat vegetables. Whenever he sees anything green, he's freakin out. hahaha :) So we tried doing this since he loves pizza so much. What we do with his pizza is we put different stuffs like mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, etc. At least then he could eat some veggies. There's this recipe that uses asparagus and broccoli. We should try that some time.

The picture was actually a simpler version. It was sooo good! :P

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