Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6/365 -- iTunes

Sooooooooooo. I went out again with my brother today, since my parents were also out doing errands and stuffs. I am supposed to buy a new pair of bikinis, since it's out season and for sure may be on clearance or at a cheaper price. :) Because I have this idea of collecting a pair each year. But, unfortunately, I didn't find anything good. I'd prolly go back 2 weeks from now.

What I did was I bought myself a $15 iTunes gift card. It's been a long while since I bought songs from iTunes. And now I am so excited to end my day, go to bed and just relax with the new songs I purchased.

And I am so happy that I am doing this blog earlier than the previous ones. I should do this more often. I mean, blogging on an early time. haha :)

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