Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14/365 -- BDG Cigarette Jeans

So so so. I hanged with my brother today, again. I would like to have ice cream because believe it or not, socal weather is just amazingly unpredictable. Like it is winter, which means it should be all cold, but what we had today was like mid, even upper 70s. Which was just fine, but yea. I expected a little bit more about the weather but then I knew a little sunshine will give me the drive to move and explore the world. :P

So we checked out Urban Outfitters, because the first time I went there I was like, wow they've got great finds, cool stuffs. And at the second floor was where the cheaper ones are. Browse, browse. I went to the pants/jeans section and I've got a couple of items to try, mainly black pants because I really need one. My one and only black pants doesn't look black anymore. It looks more of a gray already because I think I have it for like almost 4 years now (?) and it's all faded so I have to have something a bit of a brand new. :)

And yes, I finally decided that the best denim cut for me would be skinny (not the super skinny, just skinny) or cigarette. Actually, more of the cigarette because it really flatters my legs and thighs because I am freakkin short. :D So yea, the silhouette makes my lower limbs appear longer, and that's what I need. It's really hard for me to find a great pair of pants/jeans. And I prefer a dark wash, btw. I can pull off slim straight cuts, too. And jeggings! Well, Forever 21 jeggings are the best that I have. I also noticed that my legs look better with stretchy materials than real rough denims.

So I tried on some pairs, and finally a perfect match! Everything looks perfect, especially the length which hits right in my ankle. I am so happy until I saw the price. :( It was on sale though, but I felt like it's still too much for a pair of simple black pants. hahaha :P (because I am a "no source of income" person, that's why) I was really debating on getting it or not. I even called my bestfriend and asked about her opinions. Ofcourse she said that I should get it. hahaha :P But then I remembered that I have a friend that's going for a visit next month and I have to save up for it, plus dinner later this month (hopefully), plus all other hangouts that are to be planned! :) So I just have to wait for my mom when she's up for shopping. haha :P

Better luck next time.

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