Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy. Just happy.

So he got the stuffs I got him as some sort of a "present", finally. hehe :) Because he kept on asking me about what did I get and whatnots ever since I told him I'm gonna give him something. And I'm like, can't you just wait? haha :) I mean, it's not annoying, it's just ofcourse I wouldn't tell you what I got for you, that's why it's called a "present". Well, for the most part it's more of like a "requested present". haha :) whatever.

So yea, he got everything. And when I woke up, I received messages from him which were kinda funny in a sense, but I really felt that the sincerity was there and that he was totally happy. He was even saddened by my letter, although I know that what I wrote was kinda crappy coz at that time I didn't have much to tell because we talk almost everyday and if not, very frequent. So I was like, I don't know what to write. Ha! But yea, he told me he's really happy. And how I wish I could've been the one who gave it to him.

I feel happy, too. Happy that I was able to make him happy with the simple things I gave, and that he appreciated my simple efforts. It made me wanna hug him and kiss him and tell him that I know one day, we'll have our chance. Our own chance. Our second shot where everything else would be better.

I can't wait to see him again. :)

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