Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20/365 -- Cupcakes

So this morning, while I was eating breakfast, I decided to bake blueberry muffins. They look pretty brown haha :P I think my temperature was a bit high. I'll take note of that next time. But they tasted good. Brother had 2 pieces for breakfast. Mom and pop got some, too.

Then this afternoon, I went to the library to  return some dvds. After, I went to Americana to buy fires at Potato Corner. I was so drolling over the Sour & Cream. When I got there, the guy told me their machine/fryer has a dysfunction which won't allow them to make fries. I was devastated. :\ He offered me potato chips, but I wanted fries!!! I refused so he ended up punching my Potato Corner card, which left me with 3 more wholes to punch then I can get an order for free! :P While walking home, I passed by the other side of Americana. I mean, the less traveled one. Then I decided to just get a cupcake at Crumbs, for I am wanting to try their  cupcakes because I heard they were good. When I entered the bakeshop, I was overwhelmed with how cute the cupcakes were and the variable selections. I wanna try them all!!! hahaha :P So maybe after 3 to 5 minutes of debating which one to get (such a shame), I decided to have their Toffee Coffee cupcake. Here's a picture.

It looks too yummy to eat! hahaha :P And besides, it was a little too late in the afternoon for me to eat something sweet and this big. I decided to just save it for breakfast tomorrow so I can pair it up with a nice hot cup of coffee. :)

Oh, I suddenly miss my friend, Stacy, whom I always share a moment in our school library's cafe with. I told her I'll bring her to Crumbs whenever she gets here.

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