Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2/365 -- Rain

I just googled this image. I was too lazy to take a picture from outside.

It was raining a little hard today. I love the rain. I mean, light-to-moderate kind of rain. But at times it's just a little weird to me. Like whenever I wanna go somewhere and it's raining, I feel disappointed. Like I wanna do something but I can't just because of the rain.

But rain is good, though. Makes the grass greener, flowers to bloom. Makes your window look a little bit more dramatic, and artsy (just like the photo). Rains like these are music to my ears. :) It has something to tell. Something more than waters falling from above. Sometimes it may say loneliness, sadness. But sometimes it also reminds you of something special. A memory, maybe.

I like the rain. Do you? :)

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