Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10/365 -- Sky

One thing I really love about California sky is that, it seems very high and feels like it's a vast dome. It is oh so lovely! :) I took this while in the car as we were going to have dinner awhile ago. It was just too pretty to ignore. And there was even a jet plane, making its way, adding excitement to the sky.

I think I am more of a Spring-Summer person, than Fall-Winter. Okay, don't get me wrong. I love Fall. Winter? Just okay. But maybe because I can do so much more when it gets dark around 8, as oppose to winter where it gets dark around 5. See the difference? haha :) Plus, I can get to dress up pretty much less complicated. Cold weather needs more piling up, which means layering, which means more laundry. hahaha :P Plus, we can get to go to the beach, which I love! (but yea, LA beaches are too crowded for me) Plus, I can do shorter hair, and no more heavy blankets at night. :)

But then again, season change is pretty much exciting. Because 1 season is a bit boring for 365 days, right? :) Just like in life. Change is the only thing constant. And with change, it's up to us how to adjust.

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