Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27/365 -- Crazy Little Thing Called Love

This is a Thai movie. My friend recommended this last night, which I didn't have the time to watch because I was so sleepy. I watched it a while ago and yes, I was crying. hahahaha :P It is very simple but very touching. Ofcourse, there were kilig parts, especially the parts toward the end. But I dislike how they did the ending. I was like, "that's all? mooooooooore!!!" :P

I noticed it's often during high school that you begin to experience "love" towards the opposite sex. Okay, well maybe crushes that can lead to that point, maybe extreme attraction. But everything starts that way. Especially when you're young and everything seems new. That feeling when all you can see is that person. Everyday you are excited to go to school because you know that you are going to see that someone who makes your world extra special. But sometimes, it leads to tears. The first time you ever got your heart broken just because he/she didn't feel the same. Or whenever you see him/her with someone else. There's this kind of pain and insecurity. Like, why can't it be me?

I love how they did this movie, and most especially the actors and actresses. They all look so pure and fresh and young. They definitely gave justice to their characters. I also love how the story went. It didn't only focus on the attraction part but it also gave importance to family, friends, education, chasing your dreams, and improving yourself just because you know you can do it.

We're planning to watch this again once my friend comes home from Philippines. This is a classic. :)

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