Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27/365 -- Crazy Little Thing Called Love

This is a Thai movie. My friend recommended this last night, which I didn't have the time to watch because I was so sleepy. I watched it a while ago and yes, I was crying. hahahaha :P It is very simple but very touching. Ofcourse, there were kilig parts, especially the parts toward the end. But I dislike how they did the ending. I was like, "that's all? mooooooooore!!!" :P

I noticed it's often during high school that you begin to experience "love" towards the opposite sex. Okay, well maybe crushes that can lead to that point, maybe extreme attraction. But everything starts that way. Especially when you're young and everything seems new. That feeling when all you can see is that person. Everyday you are excited to go to school because you know that you are going to see that someone who makes your world extra special. But sometimes, it leads to tears. The first time you ever got your heart broken just because he/she didn't feel the same. Or whenever you see him/her with someone else. There's this kind of pain and insecurity. Like, why can't it be me?

I love how they did this movie, and most especially the actors and actresses. They all look so pure and fresh and young. They definitely gave justice to their characters. I also love how the story went. It didn't only focus on the attraction part but it also gave importance to family, friends, education, chasing your dreams, and improving yourself just because you know you can do it.

We're planning to watch this again once my friend comes home from Philippines. This is a classic. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thoughts At The Moment

I have pretty much a bunch of not-so-nice thoughts in my head right now. I actually typed 3 sentences about it, but fortunately I have the will to erase them. Maybe I am too tired to deal with crappy issues that I don't really wanna waste any more of my time putting them into writing. Keep Calm & Carry On.

What I've been thinking for the past, maybe 2 days, is my drummer crush. hihihi <3 I can say I've missed this kind of feeling -- kilig over a crush. And maybe this is all in the movies but I hope he would ask me out on Valentine's Day. *sigh. hahahahaha :P Okay. I know, it would be one heck of an impossible thing to happen because we don't know each other, but nothing's impossible. :) I know, I really know, that we both know each other's existence. :)

I hope this sunday he's gonna make a move. Or I will. hahahahahahahahaha! (i'm kididing!)

Day 26/365 -- Insanity

I mean the workout. This is a box full of dvds for the Insanity Workout.

So my aunt bought it last year. She did it last year, too, and every after her workout, she looks all drenched. I tried it like couple of times before and yes, it was pretty hard. I mean I only did the stretching parts, but it was a lot of hard work!

My aunt started it out again, and now I am in it. This should be the 3rd day, but unfortunately my 2nd because you know I had somewhere to go yesterday. But that's fine. :) First day was the Fit Test. Okay, it was just a Fit Test but I thought I was gonna die! Really. It was all about endurance and keeping strong. The workout today was stretching and 4 reps of a combo. It was still hard. haha. Well I guess the workout gets tougher everyday, though you'll have days where all you do is stretch and like cool off. We also have a day of rest in a week, which is Sunday. I love the stretching and cooling off part. Like after the extreme moves, you get to inhale and exhale and calm down your muscles. haha :P

It is fun. Not just will it give you a better looking body (maybe), but it makes you fit. It makes you healthier. Especially for someone like me who's been a bummer for quite a looooong time (i hate it, actually. the bum part). It makes you feel good about yourself. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25/365 -- All Things Yum and Good!

Today was by far the most consistent day. I mean, "good" day all through out, tho there had been a bit of irritation on some tiny aspects, still I managed to feel good. :)

Morning, I had rice and menudo. Omgggggg. I was so hungry idk why! But that was one great breakfast. :) I tried this 3-in-1 coffee my lola gave from Philippines. I actually requested for it. This one's the brown sugar version which I haven't tried back then because I think this is a new one. It was good, but I like the strong (original) one better! :) Btw, I have that one, too! :) This one tastes good even after it cooled off.

Then in the afternoon, I had to go to an orientation regarding school. I had to leave like an hour and a half earlier because of the bus schedule and all that. I was feeling a little hungry, too. And I was thinking that if I won't eat before I go, I would be starving to death. I wasn't feeling to eat anything heavy, then I remembered my Aunt gave me this Chicken Enchilada from Fresh & Easy. Ohhhgaaahhd it was soooo yummy!! :) And it wasn't heavy at all. It's just okay for one person. A very out-of-guilt serving size. :)

I conquered the commute world today. I mean I went to a high school that I haven't been to (cause that's where the orientation was held) and I gotta transfer buses, too! I feel very proud of myself that I did it for the first time, alone. :)

The orientation was fun! I feel very excited to be back in school. The study part really excites me! Plus I would be all busy again and my brain's gonna work, again. :P I mean, I would have a life. A more interesting one. :P I am so excited to buy school stuffs. hahaha.

So my fam went to pick me up because it ended kind of a little late, well I mean it was already dark outside. Then we headed at the mall. Did some grocery, ate dinner (which was sooooooo good, too! Honey Walnut Shrimp + Boba FTW!!!) then went to Target where I bought Covergirl's new light weight liquid foundation, which was truly light weight. I tried it and it was like I hadn't put anything on. So excited to use it. :) Then I bought my brother a new toy train. (because I'm nice like that! haha jk! :P)

So yea, overall, everything went smooth today. :) When I got home, I mean just a while ago, I went over my stuffs and rearrange my closet while talking to 3 people over the net at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking. :) hahaha. It was fun, though. I feel good. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24/365 -- OMGPOP!

OMGPOP! Haven't played this in a while. :) So I was chatting with my bestfriend over facebook when we decided to kind of do karaoke over the net. Cool, huh? :P But then her mic didn't cooperate very well so we ended up playing OMGPOP with her boyfriend and another guy bestie, Kurt.

I am so bad at Balloono. I dislike that game! hahaha :P After 4 rounds maybe, we played the group's favorite, Draw My Thing. On some parts of the game, Kurt kind of left us. hahaha :P Anyway, yea, it was so fun! I was using my mom's laptop, too, so everything went smooth and crazy. If it was mine, ohgahd. I'll be like, afjhkdsgjskd!! :P

Btw, that photo's courtesy of my bestfriend. She was so proud because she won that round. haha! Happy for the night. :)


Oh well. I can't get over how sparkly my night was yesterday. I mean, at least the church part. :)

I went to hear mass last night. It was kind of unusual for the church to feel a little bit mellow. The people weren't clapping that much, or not as enthusiastic as the usual. Then I noticed that the band didn't have a drummer. I came to realize that a band is not as lively when it doesn't have drums. And I thought, "he's not here."

So the mass went on, and all of a sudden, someone came rushing through the side door towards the band. It was him! He was late. The moment he played the drums, everything became more interesting. Everything sounded better, felt better.

I can only see him whenever I stood up, because he's the drummer he had to sit. As I tried to look at him, the first time for that night, I caught him looking at me. He turned away fast, and I was trying not to smile like a fool. Butterflies, blame them. :P It's been that way for, I don't know. Maybe several months now? But last night was a little bit more than catching him looking at me. I felt like there was a connection. Like we were talking through our eyes. Ridiculous, but oh well. That's what I felt. I wonder if he felt the same. Maybe he wants to know my name? Because I sure do wanna know his.

That whole 45 minutes was spent that way. I tried not to look at him on purpose. haha. I'm quite distracted, yes. But mind you, I'm still aware that I'm in church and I was there to praise and thank God. But that's also my only way of seeing him once a week. Not bad. What's bad is I don't know who he is, even his name. And I don't know how can I make it possible. To even talk to him. I'm just a girl. Well, I'm technically a young adult, but whatever. Where I grew up taught me to wait for the guy to make the first move. But I am not there anymore. So maybe this time, if I want it, I should be the way for my own. But how? I'm not ready, I think. I haven't been in this situation. Everyone's afraid of rejection, and that includes me.

Waiting until it's sunday again. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23/365 -- Homemade Pizza

I made this this morning because what I had for breakfast wasn't enough, which was oatmeal. This was a very simple one. Wheat tortilla, tomato paste, tomatoes, smoked ham and shredded cheese -- PIZZA PIZZA. :P

This was actually a simple recipe for my brother because we find it very hard to convince him  to eat vegetables. Whenever he sees anything green, he's freakin out. hahaha :) So we tried doing this since he loves pizza so much. What we do with his pizza is we put different stuffs like mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, etc. At least then he could eat some veggies. There's this recipe that uses asparagus and broccoli. We should try that some time.

The picture was actually a simpler version. It was sooo good! :P

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 22/365 -- Santo Niño Fiesta

Hi there! We went to Anaheim this morning to attend a gathering for the feast of Santo Niño (The Holy Child). Back in the Philippines, I remember we used to attend the same thing. I mean, we always celebrate the feast of Santo Niño. There were always parades and processions. It's also one of the famous celebrations in the Visayas Region, particularly in Cebu where they call it "Sinulog Festival". It is a very colorful and lively celebration. The whole region prepares for it. I wish to experience it myself. :)

It was my first time to attend one here. It was fun, especially the part where you can dance your Santo Niño around while the priest blesses everyone with Holy Water. Ofcourse, almost everyone who attended were Filipinos. It was nice. Mass was at 10, followed by a short novena, then procession and rosary. After that everyone went to the school gym (because the parish has its own school), and there we had our lunch salo-salo which was sooo crazy because everyone wanted to get into the line and I guess everyone was hungry so they were all like just trying to situate themselves wherever as long as they can get into the line fast. Of that which kinda disappoints me. You know, still a typical Filipino thing. I was expecting it to be more organized, but sadly, it wasn't. Well, after like almost an hour in line, we got food. :) Then there were intermission numbers by different dance groups, and maybe students from the school. It was entertaining and fun. But hey, look at what I've found!

Ain't that so adorable? :) (idk if he's a she or she's a he haha!) But he looks like a boy to me so I assume he's a boy. Yea, he was very popular a while ago that everyone who saw him feels amazed and like, "look! he's so cute!" :P yepp! that's a baby dressed in a Santo Niño attire. :) Soooooooo cuteeeeee! :)

It was an extra special day for us, especially for kids. And yes, my brother was extra especially blessed at church today. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21/365 -- Curly Hair

Hi, hello. So today, I am at my aunt's place, and we'll be staying for the night because we'll be attending a Sto. Niño parade/celebration tomorrow. I am always happier whenever I get to other people's home. I feel more relaxed and at ease.

My mom told me to bring my curler so I can do her hair. She was pretty busy then so I decided to do mine first. This is my first time to curl my hair all by myself. Given the fact that I have a short hair made it a little bit more interesting because I believe it is much more complicated to do with short hair than a longer one. So yea, parting this, parting that. Doing this side first then that side, I must say that I've done quite a good job for a first timer. :P And yes, I hurt myself a little, actually my ear. It got caught with the hot barrel. hahaha :P But it's fine, part of the process I suppose. Then after that, I did my mom's. It was really easier to do on other people's hair than my own.

So I guess I am pretty excited to get my hair longer and do some more sexy curls. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20/365 -- Cupcakes

So this morning, while I was eating breakfast, I decided to bake blueberry muffins. They look pretty brown haha :P I think my temperature was a bit high. I'll take note of that next time. But they tasted good. Brother had 2 pieces for breakfast. Mom and pop got some, too.

Then this afternoon, I went to the library to  return some dvds. After, I went to Americana to buy fires at Potato Corner. I was so drolling over the Sour & Cream. When I got there, the guy told me their machine/fryer has a dysfunction which won't allow them to make fries. I was devastated. :\ He offered me potato chips, but I wanted fries!!! I refused so he ended up punching my Potato Corner card, which left me with 3 more wholes to punch then I can get an order for free! :P While walking home, I passed by the other side of Americana. I mean, the less traveled one. Then I decided to just get a cupcake at Crumbs, for I am wanting to try their  cupcakes because I heard they were good. When I entered the bakeshop, I was overwhelmed with how cute the cupcakes were and the variable selections. I wanna try them all!!! hahaha :P So maybe after 3 to 5 minutes of debating which one to get (such a shame), I decided to have their Toffee Coffee cupcake. Here's a picture.

It looks too yummy to eat! hahaha :P And besides, it was a little too late in the afternoon for me to eat something sweet and this big. I decided to just save it for breakfast tomorrow so I can pair it up with a nice hot cup of coffee. :)

Oh, I suddenly miss my friend, Stacy, whom I always share a moment in our school library's cafe with. I told her I'll bring her to Crumbs whenever she gets here.

My Friends Are Amazing!

Every once in a while, you feel down and sad and like the whole world's crashing on you. On some days, you don't feel like talking to anyone -- not even your best friend. But most of your down days, especially when it involves family matters or boy issues, your friends are your escape. That's how I am.

I am happy that I have amazing friends. Not that I just realized it, ofcourse I knew from the start that my friends are the coolest people you could ever have around, but like there are times that when you feel so low they lighten up everything with their words, their presence, every little thing that shows they care. Whenever you feel less confident, they boost you up and makes you feel that you can conquer the world. It fills my heart with joy and pride that my friends are real and true. :)

4 pm today I went to the library. When I came back, I received this text message from my friend who's in Philippines. Isn't it so sweet? :) I love receiving this kind of unexpected text messages from people, and it really makes my day! It makes me happy to think that my friends miss me and that they actually thought about me even for just a second with their busy days. I feel valued and loved. :)

My friends are the loveliest people. Couldn't ask for anyone better! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19/365 -- Hair Curler

Went out with mom and brother, again. :) It was fun because I had a good time. We went to Target because I was planning to buy sunblock. Then I browsed around and that's when I saw the curling iron I was also so planning to buy! :D I saw this 3-set package. 3 different barrel sizes, all for just $15! Isn't that great? :)

Then we had lunch and I had my mouth-watering favorite, veggie rolls!!!! So satisfying! :) Btw, brother bought a new toy train, Dash. :) Then as we walked home, passing at Americana, brother saw the train trolley and he was so happy and excited. I teased him that the train's going to go soon, and he was like, "Train! Wait!" hahahaha :P Soooooo cute! :) Then we had 1 round trip on the train trolley, and he was definitely very happy. :)

I love today. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18/365 -- Cold Stone Creamery

At 5 pm today I went out with mom and brother. First, they had their haircuts. Brother was pretty cooperative, and I say that because he wasn't moving all over the place. He was just sitting on my mom's lap, but he was screaming bloody murder the entire time. hahaha :P Funny but at least it wasn't as difficult as the last time he had his haircut because then everyone's running after him. And everyone was trying to hold him down. hahaha :P But not now, and I am proud of him. He looks uber cute, btw! Mom had hers done, too. She said depressed people cut their hairs short. hahahaha :P True! True! True!

Then right after, we head down to the Marketplace to have ice cream at Cold Stone! (because I got a couple of giftcards!) Yayy! I felt so happy. :) Mom got Oreo Overload while I had Founder's Favorite, which is now officially my favorite. :)

For a while, Cold Stone made me feel like a little kid again who finds that ice cream makes you forget life and how crappy it is sometimes. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17/365 -- Jeepney Asian Grill

Dinner was served! We went all the way to Cerritos just to try this one. Jeepney Asian Grill is a cute restaurant serving filipino dishes. We ordered Crispy Chicken, Calamari and Okoy for appetizers. (the chicken was sooooo good!) Then I ordered the Bistek (beef steak), pop ordered something like a pinoy version of seafood paella, mom had Pancit Canton which was also verrry good especially with the lechon kawali toppings. The servings were actually just right. Not too little, not too much, but after eating we all felt so stuffed. :P Plus we like how they prepared the food. Nothing greasy. Everything's perfect. :)

Dessert time was the most exciting part! ha! I ordered a slice of Frozen Sansrival (gelato cake) that was really soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! And I also tried their Banana Tempura with Vanilla Ice Cream glazed with caramel sauce. It was really yummmmmmy! :) The picture on the right is their filipino style gelato. It was so good, too! I tried Dulce de Leche. And every monday, they have this promo of 99c per scoop.

Overall, I wouldn't mind going all the way to Cerritos just to eat at Jeepney. haha! I'd love to try more of their grilled stuffs over the menu. They actually have just enough variation of foods, maybe just the house specials so I think it won't be too hard to choose about what to eat next. :P

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Friendster. jejeje :)

I checked on my Friendster account that has been long forgotten ever since Facebook took over the whole "social network" thing. I browsed on the testimonials and I feel like Friendster people are friendlier than Facebook people (?), or it is just "the more testimonials, the cooler" thingy? hahaha. IDK.

But I've seen that my Friendster friends dropped me more short messages thru writing testimonials (typing would be a better word but whatever) than my Facebook friends. haha. IDK. There are times that it's been very quiet over FB. :P But yea, I've seen a lot of howareyous? on my FS account.

Those were the good old days. :)

Day 16/365 -- Sunny Sunday

After we had breakfast today, I went to the backyard and play with my brother, because it was so sunshiny this morning. :) I pushed him on his swing. He loved it. It's been a while since he last did it, as we know the previous weeks the weather's been crazy cold. Today was not really warm, not really cold -- just right. I even rolled up my pjs because I was being penetrated by sun rays haha. :P I have my iPod on. I love doing that whenever I go outside. It feels better to have the music on.

Today was pretty cool. Church was nice. I mean I don't have to wear jackets or whatever to keep me warm. Casual day today. :) And I've seen lots of people I wanna see. hihihihihihihi :"> No close encounter, though. Ugh. hahaha :P

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15/365 -- Tunics

I thought today would be better. Maybe it was, but not really. Anyway, I had nothing better to do but freakkin suck up everything and put up with it. Sigh.

So this shirt is not really a tunic. Resemblance wise, yes. But totally not. And for this year, I want to have a closet makeover, which has no possibility of happening (SIGH!) because first of, I don't have a friggggiin walk-in closet that I so wanna have (I don't even have a decent closet!). And, I don't have the luxury of spending on the clothes that I so wanna wear. I mean even if I buy cheap ones, when you add them all up, it's like, REALLY? So yea, I'm still trying, though. I really wanna have a serious closet makeover (as what I wanna call it) because I so think that I should let go of some stuffs I don't really wear anymore, and like won't even have a chance of wearing. For example those fitted t-shirts, bootleg jeans, etc. Stuffs that I know at this point of my life won't make me feel confident or whatnot.

Back to the tunic thing. I saw a very light as air tunic when I went to Urban Outfitters. It is sooo cute! And it is expensive :( But yea, I really loved it! I will try to get a cheaper one. haha :) It would be one of the basics for me because you can pair it with anything. Jeans, shorts, skirt, leggings, EVERYTHING! :) And it is pretty chic and classy. :)

Oh gahh, I really need to win the lottery. haha! :P

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14/365 -- BDG Cigarette Jeans

So so so. I hanged with my brother today, again. I would like to have ice cream because believe it or not, socal weather is just amazingly unpredictable. Like it is winter, which means it should be all cold, but what we had today was like mid, even upper 70s. Which was just fine, but yea. I expected a little bit more about the weather but then I knew a little sunshine will give me the drive to move and explore the world. :P

So we checked out Urban Outfitters, because the first time I went there I was like, wow they've got great finds, cool stuffs. And at the second floor was where the cheaper ones are. Browse, browse. I went to the pants/jeans section and I've got a couple of items to try, mainly black pants because I really need one. My one and only black pants doesn't look black anymore. It looks more of a gray already because I think I have it for like almost 4 years now (?) and it's all faded so I have to have something a bit of a brand new. :)

And yes, I finally decided that the best denim cut for me would be skinny (not the super skinny, just skinny) or cigarette. Actually, more of the cigarette because it really flatters my legs and thighs because I am freakkin short. :D So yea, the silhouette makes my lower limbs appear longer, and that's what I need. It's really hard for me to find a great pair of pants/jeans. And I prefer a dark wash, btw. I can pull off slim straight cuts, too. And jeggings! Well, Forever 21 jeggings are the best that I have. I also noticed that my legs look better with stretchy materials than real rough denims.

So I tried on some pairs, and finally a perfect match! Everything looks perfect, especially the length which hits right in my ankle. I am so happy until I saw the price. :( It was on sale though, but I felt like it's still too much for a pair of simple black pants. hahaha :P (because I am a "no source of income" person, that's why) I was really debating on getting it or not. I even called my bestfriend and asked about her opinions. Ofcourse she said that I should get it. hahaha :P But then I remembered that I have a friend that's going for a visit next month and I have to save up for it, plus dinner later this month (hopefully), plus all other hangouts that are to be planned! :) So I just have to wait for my mom when she's up for shopping. haha :P

Better luck next time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13/365 -- Stars

I went just out at the backyard to dump some trash and all that. When I looked up, I noticed the sky's a lot clearer than the past days. Yes because I can see stars -- a lot of them actually. It was very nice. I mean, it's been a while since I last star-gazed.

And I saw this very familiar star pattern I used to see back in Philippines. I was totally surprised. Not that I don't believe that the Earth is rotating and all that science stuff, but it was just amazing. For a while I felt I was back in Bulacan (my province in Philippines), because that's where I usually do star-gazing. It felt so good.

For a while I was suddenly at home. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12/365 -- Free Song Downloads

This afternoon, I was browsing songs over YouTube. I was dead bored and lonely, so I overwhelmed myself with sad sappy love songs because I'm pathetic like that. Then as I checked out whatever I can, I found a link where I can download some songs. Those 6 songs (top picture; print screen from my iTunes) I got from that shared file. May not be the best ones but I gotta grab anything I can. As long as it sounds good to me, who cares? :)

Then I made a list of the stuffs I heard. Pretty cool songs. Will check out more since I got tired. But really, that was a great thing. I felt happy for a while. :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11/365 -- Swimsuit

Today was a fairytale. hahaha :P Well, I'm just happy that I was able to buy a pair of bikinis. The time I got my very first bikinis was when I was 18-almost-19. lol. From then on, I decided to collect a pair each year. So far, I have 2 pairs, and now this is my 3rd. :)

I was planning to get a blue one for this year, and my personal favorite style is a bandeau. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any bandeau. There are lots of triangle and halter ones. First, I tried on a red patterned triangle bikinis. It was cute, and I love how it compliments my skin tone. Then, I tried on a baby blue patterned halter. It was also cute, and I like how the top sophisticatedly cover my entire chest. The pattern wasn't that flattering, though. Still, I like the style. Finally, I tried this (picture up). It's a black and white striped triangle top paired with stringed bikini. It was totally cuter than the first two. I mean, on me. :) So I grabbed this one.

Yet, I still have to wait for 6, 7 months until summer. Which means I have enough time to get on a "beach body" as they say. hahaha :P Next week I'll be starting Insanity workout with my aunt, so hopefully with the help of that, plus determination (haha), I can get on a better shape. :) hohoho.

I'm Lonely, Again.

I don't know why everything seems to upset me, disappoint me, annoy me, irritate me. Everything that could make me the saddest person on the planet right now. I don't know. Looks like the only better place to be is in my room, lights all off, and me asleep. How I wish my bed could just eat me up so even for once after 1 and a half years of being here and putting up with everyone's sh*t and drama and immaturity, I could experience peace of mind. This is horrible, you know. And being the better human being in this house full of unbelievable people, I try to be normal and understand everyone. But jees, wouldn't anybody care about how it affects me? Wouldn't anybody ask how I am, or how am I feeling every time there's friction in this house?

I just wanna have a normal life, again. I wanna live carefree -- without thinking about what other people would think, or say about whatever I wanna do. It's been very uncomfortable here ever since. And it is very unhealthy living life with a lot of restrictions.

I just want to be happy, again. Because God, I am so lonely. :(

Monday, January 10, 2011


"I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile.
So good to me, so right."

Day 10/365 -- Sky

One thing I really love about California sky is that, it seems very high and feels like it's a vast dome. It is oh so lovely! :) I took this while in the car as we were going to have dinner awhile ago. It was just too pretty to ignore. And there was even a jet plane, making its way, adding excitement to the sky.

I think I am more of a Spring-Summer person, than Fall-Winter. Okay, don't get me wrong. I love Fall. Winter? Just okay. But maybe because I can do so much more when it gets dark around 8, as oppose to winter where it gets dark around 5. See the difference? haha :) Plus, I can get to dress up pretty much less complicated. Cold weather needs more piling up, which means layering, which means more laundry. hahaha :P Plus, we can get to go to the beach, which I love! (but yea, LA beaches are too crowded for me) Plus, I can do shorter hair, and no more heavy blankets at night. :)

But then again, season change is pretty much exciting. Because 1 season is a bit boring for 365 days, right? :) Just like in life. Change is the only thing constant. And with change, it's up to us how to adjust.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9/365 -- Marvin The Martian Shirt

This is my very first Looney Tunes shirt. I think I had this when I was in 3rd year highschool (?), as far as I remember. lol :) I remember buying this for New Year. You know, red is lucky as they say. So yea, and I don't have a particular favorite cartoon character, so at that time, I just decided to make Marvin The Martian my favorite cartoon character. haha :)

It was pretty special to me, but now I just use it as a home shirt. hihihi. Feels good tho. :)

Putting My Heart On My Sleeve

It's cliché. And I just experienced the heart-pounding agitation of it.

It was my vulnerability at its finest. Whoa! It was like debating whether to lay everything down or not, or even just half of it. Or to say it indirectly and just let the person find out what you mean, or do the reverse psychology, hoping they will get what you mean. I don't think the latter part really explains it, but whatever. Personally, I do that sometimes. haha :) But it's kind of a defense, you know. It's a technique when you're not so sure, or when you are not ready. It is to save yourself from bigger disappointments.

So back to the "putting my heart on my sleeve" moment. We talked again, like always. And yes, I was being a marshmallow. I don't think it was bad at all. It was just a bit risky -- risky in a way that I am not really sure what would his response be and where would the conversation go, though we both have an idea about each other. Still, I came to a point of fast heartbeats and very active brain cells. haha :P I didn't really lay everything down. I didn't really say the exact words that were on my mind, but it was sort of close, I'd say. I think I was quite in the safe zone. Again, not bad. Not bad at all.

And I quote him, "kung di man ikaw, ikaw parin."

And I hope, always. *fingers crossed*

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8/365 -- Weird CD-R

So I finally found my pictures last 2 summers ago. hahaha :) They were in this cd. It was weird because I tried checking out this cd like since last year and when I tried it on my computer, it didn't have anything. Idk what came to me, and I tried it on my mom's computer and everything showed up. (this means we need some gadget update lol)

So I feel fat now. -_____________- hahaha :) Because I realized my body looked better 2 summers ago than the present. I want it back! hahahaha :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy. Just happy.

So he got the stuffs I got him as some sort of a "present", finally. hehe :) Because he kept on asking me about what did I get and whatnots ever since I told him I'm gonna give him something. And I'm like, can't you just wait? haha :) I mean, it's not annoying, it's just ofcourse I wouldn't tell you what I got for you, that's why it's called a "present". Well, for the most part it's more of like a "requested present". haha :) whatever.

So yea, he got everything. And when I woke up, I received messages from him which were kinda funny in a sense, but I really felt that the sincerity was there and that he was totally happy. He was even saddened by my letter, although I know that what I wrote was kinda crappy coz at that time I didn't have much to tell because we talk almost everyday and if not, very frequent. So I was like, I don't know what to write. Ha! But yea, he told me he's really happy. And how I wish I could've been the one who gave it to him.

I feel happy, too. Happy that I was able to make him happy with the simple things I gave, and that he appreciated my simple efforts. It made me wanna hug him and kiss him and tell him that I know one day, we'll have our chance. Our own chance. Our second shot where everything else would be better.

I can't wait to see him again. :)

Day 7/365 -- KitKat

Yes, I am a chocoholic. Guilty about that. :)

I bought this yesterday. I am not really a fan of KitKat, because I always had the small ones. You know, the 2-piece ones? And they don't really taste that good to me. Not until my co-worker shared with me a piece from a large one, which was the dark chocolate version, and I was like, "Oh my gahd it tastes sooo good!". I don't know if I was just starving at that time, which I think I wasn't. But yea, it was really good. I mean the dark chocolate version, and I also mean the large version of KitKat. :)

So yea, I bought this yesterday. I was surprised to see a King Size version. It was 2 large KitKats in one package. It was soooooooo good! :) I still have 2 pieces. I am really enjoying it. It wasn't dark chocolate, though, but still. :)

I will get the dark one next time. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6/365 -- iTunes

Sooooooooooo. I went out again with my brother today, since my parents were also out doing errands and stuffs. I am supposed to buy a new pair of bikinis, since it's out season and for sure may be on clearance or at a cheaper price. :) Because I have this idea of collecting a pair each year. But, unfortunately, I didn't find anything good. I'd prolly go back 2 weeks from now.

What I did was I bought myself a $15 iTunes gift card. It's been a long while since I bought songs from iTunes. And now I am so excited to end my day, go to bed and just relax with the new songs I purchased.

And I am so happy that I am doing this blog earlier than the previous ones. I should do this more often. I mean, blogging on an early time. haha :)

Day 5/365 -- Enchanted by Taylor Swift

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"
I am very kilig with this song. On note, I discovered it today! Ha! :)
Let's admit it. She (Taylor Swift) is really talented and all that. She is actually pretty good at what she's doing. Her songs are simple, but very meaningful. It's very straight forward. There's always a story. And that's what I like about it.
When I first heard this song, the first thing I remember was when we first "hanged-out". Idk. It was just fun, and happy, and cool. Like we spent our moments apart then in a certain way that we are able to just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company for the first time. It was actually very sweet. :)
And everything else followed... :)
"Please don't be inlove with someone else.
Please don't have somebody waiting on you."
Obviously, I love quoting this song. I love how it brings the kilig vibes. :">

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


"My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again."

Day 4/365 -- Park Benches

My brother and I went to the park this morning, just across the alley. How wonderful is that? :) Well, if only that park is more like a "park", I would probably go there everyday. I don't know. It's just too plain and quite small.

But yea, once in a while, going out, walking around, feeling the heat of the sun on a winter morning feels real good. And I brought my iPod, too. Music brings a little more awesomeness into something. :)

Park bench. There's something about a park bench. It is pretty amazing. When it's empty on a cold winter day, it seems sad. When a person sits, looking around, it may mean that s/he is waiting for someone -- patience and hope. When two people are talking happily, it means bliss -- obvious. When two strangers share a bench, it may mean that in those spaces between them, something may emerge -- a friendship, maybe. Or even something deeper than that. (you know, just like in the movies! hahaha :P)

I just think that every little thing represents something. Just like every other people have their own stories to tell. What's your story? :)

Me? On that bench? Looks like I'm waiting. And probably, hoping. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3/365 -- Bieber-ish Crush (?)

I am not really stalking, right? haha :) But whatever. So the story goes like this.

I'm not aware that we have a cute korean/chinese/asian neighbor (sorry, he looks korean to me but I am not so sure what asian race he is) not until I saw him like several days back. I was waiting outside my house for my friend to pick me up when I noticed there were 2 boys at the playground. One was trying to do stunts on his skateboard, and the other was on his bike. He was the one on bike. I knew he was a neighbor because I saw him enter a house across mine. He looks really cute. I mean, you know asian people. :) So yea, since then, whenever I hear some skateboard noise, I knew that they're at the park.

I took this picture later this afternoon. :) I don't know. There's something with asian boys. Okay wait, I think he is just 14 or 15? hahahaha :) I know. That's why I put the title "Bieber-ish Crush" because he is like as cute as Justin Bieber, and as young as well. So this is just something that catches my attention. So back on track, there's something about asian boys. I mean, their looks. Whenever I see him right across my house, I feel like I can watch him practice on his bike forever. Weird. haha :) Idk. It's his face maybe. He is so fair with dark hair and thin lips and very cute eyes! :)

He is just so cute! Too bad he's too young for me. hahahaha jk :P

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2/365 -- Rain

I just googled this image. I was too lazy to take a picture from outside.

It was raining a little hard today. I love the rain. I mean, light-to-moderate kind of rain. But at times it's just a little weird to me. Like whenever I wanna go somewhere and it's raining, I feel disappointed. Like I wanna do something but I can't just because of the rain.

But rain is good, though. Makes the grass greener, flowers to bloom. Makes your window look a little bit more dramatic, and artsy (just like the photo). Rains like these are music to my ears. :) It has something to tell. Something more than waters falling from above. Sometimes it may say loneliness, sadness. But sometimes it also reminds you of something special. A memory, maybe.

I like the rain. Do you? :)

Roaming and Whatnots.

I was pretty worried about this. Last night, 2324 sent me a message, which happened to be 2 days in a row now, saying that my Zero-Balance thing may expire within 48 hours. And to prevent that from happening, my partner sim in Philippines must reload or at most, make a call. I don't get it. It's been almost 2 years and it's only now that I am receiving these kind of messages.

So even though I am quite annoyed with this cute guy, I texted him saying my concerns and stuff. Idk. I thought he was mad at me about something very shallow, but then he was acting like I am the one being immature. Oh, boys. So yea, he was just being cool and supportive and told me not to worry. It was pretty nice. :) I like it when he cares. And that when I ask him for a favor, though it is a very simple one, I love how he makes me feel that it is cool, and that he's gonna do it. That it is no biggie. I like that about him.

As I woke up in the middle of the night, I heard my phone sound. Well, I don't know. Whenever I sleep in my brother's/parents' room, I can't quite fulfill my sleeping time. I always have to wake up in the middle of the night. I don't hate it, though. But it feels real weird to me. So yea, I received a couple of texts from him saying he can't go through the line and all that stuff and that he'll try to do the chat thing over Globe's website. I can feel that he was bothered about it. I would be, too. And I feel like I put a bit of a weight over his shoulders.

So I tried the chat thing just 30 minutes ago. And all is clear now. :)
I just love it when people cares. It means a lot to me.

photo courtesy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1/365

This would be my Day 1 Photo. Lame, I know. :p Idk. I'm not really in the mood to go out today. I mean, my mom and brother went out early this morning to just walk around and feel the sun. Me? I stayed home, even feeling a little grumpy because my mom insisted me to join. I took a bath and decided that I would take some pictures of myself. I call it Pictorial. hahaha :)

Well, I haven't done it in a while so, yea. I observed that I look a little paler. That's me without anything on my face. I mean, I don't wear makeup everyday, unless needed like at work, etc. But whenever I go out I always put eyeliner on because it makes my eyes a bit more alive. So yea, I feel like I got a little paler. And that maybe because I just recovered from a flu. Yea, that's it.

So, I hope I can do and finish this Project 365 together with my Mare. :) This will be fun, I bet.

Best of 2011 to everyone! :)

My New Year

Hello, 2011! You're just passing me by. I mean, January 1.

So at the moment, I am feeling pretty irritated with some people. There's this man who is just plain annoying whenever he gets annoyed for some freakkkin shallow reasons. And there's this guy who acts immaturely at times he gets into my nerves. I don't know. Ever since I feel like people my age, especially people over my age, should be well acquainted with the world and its unpleasant surprises, I expect a little bit more about them tolerating unfortunate and frustrating circumstances. Am I expecting too much from people? No. Yes, maybe. But it's because I know that they're capable of doing so. They can act completely normal and more appropriate for their ages, if only they understand more of life.

Sigh. Enough of this.

I will start blogging again. I will do Project 365, and all other extra stuffs whenever I feel like it. I am determined to complete it! :)

With this, I can say I'm starting all over again. :)