Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27/365 -- Crazy Little Thing Called Love

This is a Thai movie. My friend recommended this last night, which I didn't have the time to watch because I was so sleepy. I watched it a while ago and yes, I was crying. hahahaha :P It is very simple but very touching. Ofcourse, there were kilig parts, especially the parts toward the end. But I dislike how they did the ending. I was like, "that's all? mooooooooore!!!" :P

I noticed it's often during high school that you begin to experience "love" towards the opposite sex. Okay, well maybe crushes that can lead to that point, maybe extreme attraction. But everything starts that way. Especially when you're young and everything seems new. That feeling when all you can see is that person. Everyday you are excited to go to school because you know that you are going to see that someone who makes your world extra special. But sometimes, it leads to tears. The first time you ever got your heart broken just because he/she didn't feel the same. Or whenever you see him/her with someone else. There's this kind of pain and insecurity. Like, why can't it be me?

I love how they did this movie, and most especially the actors and actresses. They all look so pure and fresh and young. They definitely gave justice to their characters. I also love how the story went. It didn't only focus on the attraction part but it also gave importance to family, friends, education, chasing your dreams, and improving yourself just because you know you can do it.

We're planning to watch this again once my friend comes home from Philippines. This is a classic. :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thoughts At The Moment

I have pretty much a bunch of not-so-nice thoughts in my head right now. I actually typed 3 sentences about it, but fortunately I have the will to erase them. Maybe I am too tired to deal with crappy issues that I don't really wanna waste any more of my time putting them into writing. Keep Calm & Carry On.

What I've been thinking for the past, maybe 2 days, is my drummer crush. hihihi <3 I can say I've missed this kind of feeling -- kilig over a crush. And maybe this is all in the movies but I hope he would ask me out on Valentine's Day. *sigh. hahahahaha :P Okay. I know, it would be one heck of an impossible thing to happen because we don't know each other, but nothing's impossible. :) I know, I really know, that we both know each other's existence. :)

I hope this sunday he's gonna make a move. Or I will. hahahahahahahahaha! (i'm kididing!)

Day 26/365 -- Insanity

I mean the workout. This is a box full of dvds for the Insanity Workout.

So my aunt bought it last year. She did it last year, too, and every after her workout, she looks all drenched. I tried it like couple of times before and yes, it was pretty hard. I mean I only did the stretching parts, but it was a lot of hard work!

My aunt started it out again, and now I am in it. This should be the 3rd day, but unfortunately my 2nd because you know I had somewhere to go yesterday. But that's fine. :) First day was the Fit Test. Okay, it was just a Fit Test but I thought I was gonna die! Really. It was all about endurance and keeping strong. The workout today was stretching and 4 reps of a combo. It was still hard. haha. Well I guess the workout gets tougher everyday, though you'll have days where all you do is stretch and like cool off. We also have a day of rest in a week, which is Sunday. I love the stretching and cooling off part. Like after the extreme moves, you get to inhale and exhale and calm down your muscles. haha :P

It is fun. Not just will it give you a better looking body (maybe), but it makes you fit. It makes you healthier. Especially for someone like me who's been a bummer for quite a looooong time (i hate it, actually. the bum part). It makes you feel good about yourself. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25/365 -- All Things Yum and Good!

Today was by far the most consistent day. I mean, "good" day all through out, tho there had been a bit of irritation on some tiny aspects, still I managed to feel good. :)

Morning, I had rice and menudo. Omgggggg. I was so hungry idk why! But that was one great breakfast. :) I tried this 3-in-1 coffee my lola gave from Philippines. I actually requested for it. This one's the brown sugar version which I haven't tried back then because I think this is a new one. It was good, but I like the strong (original) one better! :) Btw, I have that one, too! :) This one tastes good even after it cooled off.

Then in the afternoon, I had to go to an orientation regarding school. I had to leave like an hour and a half earlier because of the bus schedule and all that. I was feeling a little hungry, too. And I was thinking that if I won't eat before I go, I would be starving to death. I wasn't feeling to eat anything heavy, then I remembered my Aunt gave me this Chicken Enchilada from Fresh & Easy. Ohhhgaaahhd it was soooo yummy!! :) And it wasn't heavy at all. It's just okay for one person. A very out-of-guilt serving size. :)

I conquered the commute world today. I mean I went to a high school that I haven't been to (cause that's where the orientation was held) and I gotta transfer buses, too! I feel very proud of myself that I did it for the first time, alone. :)

The orientation was fun! I feel very excited to be back in school. The study part really excites me! Plus I would be all busy again and my brain's gonna work, again. :P I mean, I would have a life. A more interesting one. :P I am so excited to buy school stuffs. hahaha.

So my fam went to pick me up because it ended kind of a little late, well I mean it was already dark outside. Then we headed at the mall. Did some grocery, ate dinner (which was sooooooo good, too! Honey Walnut Shrimp + Boba FTW!!!) then went to Target where I bought Covergirl's new light weight liquid foundation, which was truly light weight. I tried it and it was like I hadn't put anything on. So excited to use it. :) Then I bought my brother a new toy train. (because I'm nice like that! haha jk! :P)

So yea, overall, everything went smooth today. :) When I got home, I mean just a while ago, I went over my stuffs and rearrange my closet while talking to 3 people over the net at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking. :) hahaha. It was fun, though. I feel good. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24/365 -- OMGPOP!

OMGPOP! Haven't played this in a while. :) So I was chatting with my bestfriend over facebook when we decided to kind of do karaoke over the net. Cool, huh? :P But then her mic didn't cooperate very well so we ended up playing OMGPOP with her boyfriend and another guy bestie, Kurt.

I am so bad at Balloono. I dislike that game! hahaha :P After 4 rounds maybe, we played the group's favorite, Draw My Thing. On some parts of the game, Kurt kind of left us. hahaha :P Anyway, yea, it was so fun! I was using my mom's laptop, too, so everything went smooth and crazy. If it was mine, ohgahd. I'll be like, afjhkdsgjskd!! :P

Btw, that photo's courtesy of my bestfriend. She was so proud because she won that round. haha! Happy for the night. :)


Oh well. I can't get over how sparkly my night was yesterday. I mean, at least the church part. :)

I went to hear mass last night. It was kind of unusual for the church to feel a little bit mellow. The people weren't clapping that much, or not as enthusiastic as the usual. Then I noticed that the band didn't have a drummer. I came to realize that a band is not as lively when it doesn't have drums. And I thought, "he's not here."

So the mass went on, and all of a sudden, someone came rushing through the side door towards the band. It was him! He was late. The moment he played the drums, everything became more interesting. Everything sounded better, felt better.

I can only see him whenever I stood up, because he's the drummer he had to sit. As I tried to look at him, the first time for that night, I caught him looking at me. He turned away fast, and I was trying not to smile like a fool. Butterflies, blame them. :P It's been that way for, I don't know. Maybe several months now? But last night was a little bit more than catching him looking at me. I felt like there was a connection. Like we were talking through our eyes. Ridiculous, but oh well. That's what I felt. I wonder if he felt the same. Maybe he wants to know my name? Because I sure do wanna know his.

That whole 45 minutes was spent that way. I tried not to look at him on purpose. haha. I'm quite distracted, yes. But mind you, I'm still aware that I'm in church and I was there to praise and thank God. But that's also my only way of seeing him once a week. Not bad. What's bad is I don't know who he is, even his name. And I don't know how can I make it possible. To even talk to him. I'm just a girl. Well, I'm technically a young adult, but whatever. Where I grew up taught me to wait for the guy to make the first move. But I am not there anymore. So maybe this time, if I want it, I should be the way for my own. But how? I'm not ready, I think. I haven't been in this situation. Everyone's afraid of rejection, and that includes me.

Waiting until it's sunday again. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23/365 -- Homemade Pizza

I made this this morning because what I had for breakfast wasn't enough, which was oatmeal. This was a very simple one. Wheat tortilla, tomato paste, tomatoes, smoked ham and shredded cheese -- PIZZA PIZZA. :P

This was actually a simple recipe for my brother because we find it very hard to convince him  to eat vegetables. Whenever he sees anything green, he's freakin out. hahaha :) So we tried doing this since he loves pizza so much. What we do with his pizza is we put different stuffs like mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, etc. At least then he could eat some veggies. There's this recipe that uses asparagus and broccoli. We should try that some time.

The picture was actually a simpler version. It was sooo good! :P